Friday, May 23, 2008

U.S. 'Violated Venezuela Airspace'

I. Citation
Title: U.S. ‘Violated Venezuela Airspace’
Source: BBC News
Date: May 19th, 2008
II. Summary
It was announced by Venezuela’s Minister of Defense that a United States fighter Jet crossed the boundary into Venezuela on the 17th of May, an act that is breaching an agreement previously discussed about nobody flying into their airspace unauthorized. This announcement was made 2 days after Venezuela also accused Colombia of doing the same thing. America did confess that this did happen, but claimed it was a mistake, and that they were in Venezuelan territory for a short period of time.
III. Response
a) The AP World Theme that I believe this article pertains to is Impact of interaction among and within major societies, because the the U.S., Venezuela, and Colombia were all responding to one another because of what happened on May 17th. Venezuelans have a right to be suspicious because of interaction that shouldn’t have taken place at all.
B) These claims may or may not have to do with the fact that Colombia and the United States are accusing Venezuela of providing funds for a rebel group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. So, there’s tension between the 3 countries, which could have lead to what seems like an angry accusation.
c) On this particular article, there is no name for the author, but this was retrieved from BBC’s website, so the person could be British. (Also, in the text, instead of using the word ‘fight’ the person said ‘row’)
D) There really isn’t any bias in it, maybe, if at all, against Venezuela, in describing how they ‘demanded an explanation’, showing how angry and rash they were. But, really that wasn’t anything major.
e) There were no missing voices, U.S. officials, Colombian officials and Venezuelan officials were all included and their opinions were voiced.
F) I think that Venezuela has a right to be cautious and suspicious, but they might just be trying to get back at the two countries that, coincidentally, accused Venezuela of funding a radical group. No one, though, should be going to places they were prohibited from going into.

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