Friday, May 23, 2008

Taiwan says China Talks to Resume

I. Taiwan Says China Talks to Resume BBC News Co. Friday, May 23, 2008

II. In this article, the Taiwanese government says that direct talks on the Taiwanese independence situation will resume for the first time in a decade. The happened shortly after a new Taiwanese president, May-ying jeou, was elected. They hope to settle negotiations by late July.

III. A. The AP theme that best describes this article is the impact of interaction among and within major societies. China, a major force in the east has taken control of Taiwan and in turn, Taiwan is revolting for independence from china, who in turn treat them like a minority and harm the citizens.

b. The China- Taiwan conflict has been occurring since 1949, when the communist party took control of China. Taiwan became a sort of colony within China, yet they had a different form of government, and a different culture. The only thing benefiting China from Taiwan was their economy. In order to prosper, china has not lat Taiwan be an independent state, despite protests and negotiations.

c. The speaker of this article is most likely a British citizen and an outsider to the conflict.

d. In this article, the speaker seems overly optimistic towards Taiwanese independence. Possibly because she is an outsider to the issue and does not see the stress and pressure involved in the negotiations, she makes it seem easier than it will be by saying that a major change could occur by July, that there is many positive changes.

e. The voices we are missing from are the Chinese in this article. In the article also, it says Chinese did not comment or confirm any of these alleged “talks”. If we hear from the Chinese, we can confirm if they are willing to let Taiwan have its independence.

f. I think the author of this article is too optimistic in this article. She or he continuously talks of peace and independent for Taiwan went she has never even heard from China. This can be all made up or talk, yet it seems this author should not count her chickens before they hatch.

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