Friday, May 23, 2008

US strike on al-Qaida kills children

I. Citation
Title: US strike on al-Qaida kills children
Author: Kim Gamel

II. Summary
In Baghdad, US troops tried targeting members of an al-Qaida bombing network, but instead shot and killed eight civilians, two of which were only children. America stated that there were 5 suspected terrorists killed among them, while Iraqi police say they were merely 6 civilian farmers and 2 children.

III. Reaction
a.) This relates to the AP World History theme of Impact of interaction among and within major societies because it deals with how Iraq and America interact, even though they interact negatively.
b.) America and Iraq were never exactly on good terms, but thing got worse after September 11, 2001 when terrorists from Iraq drove planes into the twin towers. America then occupied Iraq, trying to make a positive influence on the country, but most Iraqis are only getting negative things out of the US being there.
c.) According to the name and the perspective of the author, it can be assumed that this is an American, most likely female author. Although they are American they seem to be an outsider to the situation
d.) The author seems to be with the US and against Iraq because they make it sound like a big misunderstanding on the American side and like it was an accident, but if an Iraqi citizen reported the same story they would make it sound like it was all the American soldier’s faults.
e.) We hear from Americans and Iraqi police in this article, but it would help understand the article if we heard from and Iraqi civilian because they could relate to how the children and other civilians that were killed must have felt because they didn’t necessarily do anything wrong to deserve being shot.
f.) I was very shocked by this article and I felt terrible after reading it. The fact that some of our soldiers killed eight innocent people, two of which were children, really upset me. We are supposed to help other countries out, and instead they killed civilians. It basically disgusted me, and hopefully nothing like this will happen in the future.

1 comment:

Eric Gratta said...

Things like this always seem to be popping up in the news. Don't we have some sort of accurate "intelligence" information on these situations? I don't know how these attacks get authorized if they aren't 100% sure that they are bombing terrorists. However, it's true that there's nothing we can possibly do because if we leave it will be no better than staying in Iraq. Still, they are not sure whether they actually killed people involved with al-Qaida or plain civilians, so it may have been purposeful.