Friday, May 23, 2008

White House denies story about attacking Iran

I. Citation:

Associated Press


II. Summary: In this article it states that the White House says that what was written in a Jerusalem Post report was inaccurate. The Jerusalem post report claimed that Bush was going to attack Iran before the new president took office. The report stated that this information had been revealed during Bush's stay in Israel by an important American traveling with Bush to an Israeli official. Both sources were unidentified. A white house secretary, Dana Perino, said that any article that has not cited the sources is invalid. The president still feels that diplomatic solutions would be better, and many in the government don't feel affected by this report.
III. Reactions:
A) This article relates to cultural, religious, and intellectual developments. It relates to this because it shows how the developing of world news can cause conflicts and disputes, which in this case is the United States government being unhappy about a Jeruslaem post article.
B) Iran has been believed to be developing nuclear weapons for some time now. Many nationms wish to try and stop this, and are trying many methods. During Bush's stay there, the Iaraeli newspapers thought that the United States was going to attack Iran. This brought the United States government to deny this claim.
C) This author can be assumed to be an American author, which would make him an insider on the issue.
D) The impact of the author on the article is that he is only saying that the Jerusalem post was inproper by not stating the sources, and not giving any possible reasons why this had been done.
It also seems angry with the Jerusalem post by blaming it for not listening to Bush's denial.
E) The point of view of the Jerusalem post is missing in this article. By hearing from them we may learn why they did not cite their sources and which people gave out this information.
F) This article surprised me because it is strange that any newspaper would fail to tell us who they are quoting. In my opinion the United States has a right to be angry because the Jerusalem post seems to have posted a false article. It would have seemed to be must more accuratye if the sources were cited. I don't know why the Jerusalem post would want to post article, especially on this issue.

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