Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pirates seize Dutch ship off coast of Somalia

I. Pirates seize Dutch ship off coast of Somalia, International Herald Tribune, 5/27/07
II. The MV Amiya Scan freighter was hijacked Sunday on the African Somalia 1,880 mile coast. A Dutch shipping company negotiated with the pirates Tuesday for the release of the nine crew members. So far, no one knows if the crew has been injured. Out of concern for safety of the crew, the pirates demands are not mentioned. A resolution is being drafted that would allow countries to chase and arrest pirates. 24 merchant ships have been hijacked in the Gulf of Aden since January 1st. The ships are taken and anchored in coastal areas controlled by militias.

III. a) This article relates to the AP World History theme "State-building, expansion, and conflict" because as trading occurs, political factions (pirates-criminals) are causing conflict.
b) Last year, 44 ships were hijacked, and this has been occurring for years.
c) The writer is an outsider because he/she is not a pirate or being hijacked. He/She works for the Associated Press.
d) It is obvious that the article is biased in that the writer does not want these hijackings to occur, just by writing what the U.N. plans to do about these pirates and how much trouble they cause.
e) The point of view of a pirate is missing. This information could tell us more reasons why the freighter is being hijacked besides for money and supplies, if there are any.
f) I think that better control needs to be taken of the Gulf of Aden, so hijackings like this don't have to occur anymore.

1 comment:

Dylan Senft said...

I think that the armies and navies of neighboring countries should join together and move in to destroy the militia and stop the pirate from hijacking other ships. Other countries might want to set up patrol boats to monitor the Gulf of Aden.