Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Japan's Rice Stockpiles Could Ease Food Crisis

I. Citations:
Japan's Rice Stockpiles Could Ease Food Crisis ,;_ylt=AncfpF1RBfCDf1oX4vEwTEi63q8F.

II. Summary:
Since the 1990's Japan has imported hundreds tons of rice, much of it coming from the U.S. But only a little of it has been consumed directly. The goverenment now has successfully protected Japenese rice growers. Most of the ignored rice has been stored in rare houses where is either sopils there od later used as animal feed. TO help this global food crisis Japan is thinking of realeasing a large amount of its very own rice stocks to the rest of the world. If they have a bunch of rice just laying around not being aten , why not give it to all the people who really need it. All they need is the U.S. approval to resell it. Firdays meeting will involve the Japenese Ministry of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It will focus on technical details of a potential "rice release," including hoe much rice Japan mught release and how will it be distributed. At the end of this article it states that the U.S. gov't appears ready to alow Japan to move rice out of storage and out it up for sale on the market.

III. Reactions
A) The best theme that this article would match up with is interaction and impact among socieites. Japan really wants to help out other people in the world to help and stop the global food crisis. They are willing to release a million tons of rice or even more. And the good thing is taht if this does follow through the apperance of the new supply of rice could lower the global rice prices.

B)In 1995, Japan imported slightly less than 400,000 tons of rice. By the first part of this decade, that number had climbed to about 700,000 tons annually. Thsi just goes to show that Japan has been helping out for a while now but then has slowed down but now is picking it back up and trying to help out as much as they can.

C) The point of view of this article is an male, outsider.

D) There is no impact on how the article was written since is was not written by an insider there is not bias information given out in this article. He is just explaining on both sides of the situation.

E) I would like to hear from Japan themselves. In the article it stated some thing that Asia said and Japan said but a while ago in 1995 not recently. I would like to hear their voice on how they feel giving all the rice away to the rest of the world. I would also like to hear from the government and while it has taken them a while to say yes to this, its not like they are doing anything wrong.

F) I feel that what Japan is doing is a really great thing. They are selfless people who just want to help stop this food crisis. I am happy that the U.S. is putting their rice up on the market i think this shows a lot of teamwork between two different parts of the world.

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