Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Iran Nuclear Bombs!!!!!!!!!!

I. Citation

Iran Speaker Warns Nuclear Agency

BBC News 5.28.08

II. Summary

A lot of world power countries along with smaller countries have been nervous about the activities occurring in Iran. These countries are scared that Iran either has nuclear weapons, or is trying to make them. Iran responded stating that it is for “peaceful reasons. The IAEA voiced its concerns about the situation, but the newly elected speaker for the conservative-dominated parliament, Larijani has reported that the IAEA has been teaching and showing Iran how to make nuclear weapons.

III. Reactions

A) The AP theme that relates to this article is impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment. This is because a relative new technology is out within the last hundred years. Only some have been able to grasp it and obtain and make it. While one had actually used it, twice, and everybody else has not even developed it yet.

B) During the Cold War the United States and U.S.S.R were at a nuclear arms race. Then after the U.S.S.R fell it was over, kind of. During the Cold War the U.S.S.R spread its ideas all over Asia and the Middle East. So Iran and Iraq are like satellites or just another generation and result of the Cold War and the U.S.S.R.

C) The author of this article is most likely from the United Kingdom and therefore would be considered an outsider.

D) There is not a lot of bias in this article except for the fact that there are no quotes from a person from the Middle East.

E) A missing voice from this article is the voice from the U.K or the U.S.

F) My opinion on this article is that it may be a warning and nerve racking for toward other countries that Iran might be building nuclear weapons. However on Iran’s side of the story they are just a small little country being bullied by the bigger and stronger countries. So defense Iran feels that it needs to stick its chest out and have some reason for the “big guys” not to mess with the.

1 comment:

Richelle. said...

I feel his reaction on the article is relevant. It seems we need to take more action not just into Iran but every country and really see into what their doing. I feel we should try and make more alliances and see just what Iran is planning and where they decide to go with all the nuclear bombs they seem to be making; from my understanding it is probably a very negative outcome if they were to be released without our realization.