Thursday, May 15, 2008

Japan to Support Vietnam’s Nuclear Power Project

Japan to Support Vietnam’s Nuclear Power Project - Vietnam News Agency

  1. Summary - This article is about how Japan will be supporting the Vietnamese nuclear project. This project is said to start in 2020. On May 15th the agreement was signed by Japan's Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. The construction of the power plant is said to take place in the time span of 2012-2014.

  2. Reactions -

A) How does this article relate to one of the AP World History themes? This relates to the theme Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment. It relates to this theme because as technology of nuclear projects is advancing Vietnam is wanting to keep up with the world, thus they are trying to make a nuclear project of their own, with Japan's help.

B) Evaluate the Historical Background. Vietnam has never been a world power so they never got to start up a nuclear project of their own. Japan and Vietnam have been meeting over the past few years to talk about this and other issues.

C) Point of View of the Article. This article was written by a man who's name is Hanoi who is from Vietnam. They would be considered an insider since they are from Vietnam where this nuclear project is said to take place.

D) Author's point of view is biased. Since this man is from Vietnam of course he is going to want this nuclear project. He doesn't see the harm in it because it is his country that is trying to build it. He probably welcomes Japan's support.

E) What is the point of view missing within the article. There is no mention of a scientists opinion of any kind. I think if we had a scientists opinion then we could weigh the pros and cons that comes with construction of nuclear power plants.

F) I think that it is good that Vietnam is trying to find an alternate power source but it should be very closely monitored. We don't want them to build weapons or anything else destructive.

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