Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hama threatens to capture Israelis

I. Exiled Hamas chief Mesha'al threatens to capture Israelis
Gulf News

II. Khalid Mesha'al is an exiled Hamas chief. He is threatening Israel that if they do not release thousands of Palestinian prisoners, he will capture Israeli citizens. According to Khalid, there are 11,600 prisoners in Israeli jails.
The Palestinians top peace negotiator said that if a criminal investigation of Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, occurred, hurt the chance of a deal on Palestine's statehood. Olmert has denied allegations of bribery concerning an American business man with the police, but he says he will resign if he was indicted. If this happens, it will be a setback to getting a peace accord.

III. A) This article relates to the AP World History theme impact of interaction among and within major societies. It relates to this theme because Palestine and Israel are conflicting with one another over prisoners.
B) Palestine and Israel have been fighting for many years. They are fighting because they both claimed the same area of land as their own. In today’s day and age, Palestinians are Israelis constantly attack one other. A prime example of these attacks is mortar attacks.
C) From this article, it seems that it is written by a Palestinian, which would mean that he is an insider.
D) This article may be skewed since it seems to be written by a Palestinian. Since Palestinians conflict with Israelis, it would not be a surprise if the author would bash Israel. One example of this is how the author refers to the Naqba, or Israel’s creation, as a “catastrophe”.
E) A point of view missing within this article is that of an Israeli leader. It would give me a full understanding of the article by telling me why they wouldn’t release the Palestinian prisoners in the first place and it would also give me information on what bad things the Palestinians have done.
F) I think that this whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be resolved. It is causing so much trouble in these lands. I would say that the US should resolve this problem, but we already have a lot on the table with Iraq. Hopefully another country will step up and help resolve this problem.

1 comment:

GGAS said...

I agree with jay in this issue, that the issue should be resolved. But i disagree that the U.S. should get involved with another war with no end. This is an age long conlfict that will not be resolved without more deaths of U.S. soldiers which is not nescessary for a endless war.