Thursday, May 29, 2008

Iran warns it won't cooperate with IAEA

I. Citation: March 28, 2008. The Jerusalem Post.

II. Summary: On Wednesday Teheran announces that because of the negative report they got from the UN nuclear watchdog they warned that they wouldn’t cooperate. Ali Larijani said that if a new report came out from IAEA than there might be a deplorable act of violence. Iran could be hiding information about their nuclear weapons. There have been restrictions made by UN Security Council and Germany to stop the enriching of uranium, which is associated with the developing of nuclear weapons. After Larijani spoke there were chants such as “Death to America” and “God is great”. Iran used to cooperative with the IAEA but as of Wednesday it refuses to cooperate. Why the sudden change? In the NPT it states that Iran does not have to allow short notice inspections of its nuclear facilities. Iran is no longer answering questions from western Intelligent Agencies.

III. Reactions:

A) The AP World History theme this article relates to is Development and Interaction of cultures because Iran is not cooperation with IAEA and UN Security Council.
B) Iran and IAEA have been very cooperative as of Wednesday. Iran has let IAEA perform the necessary inspections. Now it warns that it no longer cooperate with IAEA.
C) This article was written by the associated press from the Jerusalem Press. They would most likely be Israeli and their gender would vary.
D) You might want to approach this document with caution because the author might have been exaggerating the statement stated by Ali Larijani. You don’t know what the IAEA have done for Iran to warn them about their cooperation.
E) It would be nice to hear from an Iranian military officer who would have access to the nuclear facilities to better understand why they had to warn the IAEA.
F) I think Iran is hiding something from leaking out to the press and the other nations of the world. If they did not have something to hide than they would continue to cooperate with IAEA. There is no telling what they are hiding or if it is a nuclear weapon. I think we should press this issue and demand to know what it is that they are hiding.

By Dylan Senft

1 comment:

marissa said...

I agree. Iran has cooperated with the IAEA requests in the past. Iran had even allowed IAEA inspectors to check military sites in the past. Ali Larijani recently stated the International Atomic Energy Agency was "deplorable." The sudden and drastic change points to one conclusion, but it should not br foolishly jumped to without more deliberation of the UN.