Thursday, May 29, 2008

World 'failing' on Human Rights

World ‘failing’ on Human Rights
Wednesday, May 28

Summary: This article is about human rights violations. The UN has adopted a Universal Declaration for Humans Rights over 60 years ago, but people are still being ill treated in about 80 countries –maybe even more. Most nations know of the act, but not many are doing anything about it. China is being asked to end “re-education through labor”, Russia to show a greater tolerance, and the United States to give criminals fairer trials, officially ban all sorts of torture in prisons and such, and to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention center.


A) The AP World topic this relates to is Impact of interaction among and within major societies, because the nations of the world are being asked to try and contribute to more human rights.

B) In 1948, the UN adopted a human rights policy called the Universal Declaration for Human Rights. However, people are still being tortured and mistreated.

C) I do not know who is writing the article, but it sounds like an insider, because they know a lot about what seems to be going on.

D) The author’s point of view could be skewed in that he points a finger at the United States a lot, saying that we’re constantly violating human rights.

E) I would like to hear from someone who has had his rights as a human violated. Everyone always says that this is a bad thing, and I know it is, but if we heard from someone who’s actually witnessed himself or has been the victim of a human rights violation, maybe it will push more people to act.

F) I’m disgusted that so many people in so many places can still be cruel to one another. Every person has the right to be treated fairly and with respect, but people still go on torturing and harming people anyway.

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