Thursday, May 29, 2008

Olmert Aide Puts New Pressure on Him to Quit

I. Citation:
By Isabel Kershiner and Graham Bowley
May 29, 2008

II. Summary:
Ehud Olmert was pressured to step down his leadership skills. from the office when Tzipi Livini, his foreign minister, wanted preperations for new elections. Minister Ehud Barak told Olmert to step down because of the outcome of the corruption investigation. Ms. Livine didn't specifically say that she wanted Olmert to step down, like Barak did. Her comments affect the decision, since she was the first senior member of Olmert's party to start questioning his leadership skills. A Long Island business man gave Olmert $15,000 in cash mostly in envelopes. He said this was for campaign finances and personal expenses. “This is not just a legal matter and it does not pertain solely to the prime minister as a private person — these are questions that are related to the values and norms that we want to instill and their effect on the public’s trust in Israeli politics,” Ms. Livine said. “There are those who believe that the launching of any investigation demands a resignation, but I don’t adhere to this notion and I will not step down.” Olmert said. Mr. Olmert said that if he is charged, he will resign.

III. Reactions:
A) This article relates to the ap world theme, impact of interaction amongst a society. This is because, Mr. Olmert was charged with something that can make him resign from office, that would effect the society.
B) Olmert used to talk about Talansky as his "dear old friend". But, Talansky is also the banker and is the greatest contributer to Olmert.
C) The author is an american woman who is an outsider on this information.
D) This article should be read with caution, because it is saying more bad things than good things about Olmert. The author has talked to his employees and they all said negative things about Olmert.
E) The point of view that's missing from the article is from a member of the community. That will help me understand the situation better, because they are living there and have to deal with this everyday.
F)I think that if he is guilty, he should definetly resign. It will show that he isn't a good leader and isn't honest to everyone.

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