Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Religion, Rights & How we speak outtt.

I. Al Qaeda Warrior Uses Internet to Rally Women, May 28th 2008, New York Times

II. This article is on a 48-year-old Belgian women in Europe named El Aroud. She is using the internet as a source to become a prominent internet jihadist. She wore regular clothes but believed she was like a female warrior of AL Qadea trying to use her words to spread her religion by getting other Muslim men to go out and fight while she yearns for the women to rally together and help the cause she is fighting for.

III. Reactions:

A) This article mostly relates the AP World theme of Systems of social structure and gender structure. I would say that this has the closest relation because the article talks about a woman dedicated to her religion and it is known that women weren’t looked upon as highly as men back in these time periods. She still takes the stand to find a way so that as a woman she can really be heard throughout her religion and speak to both the men and women of Europe.

B) The historical background of the issue is based on how the Muslims use to speak out to others and how this lady, El Aroud decides that she won’t follow her follow people of her religion and use her words instead of weapons and force to help. She may tell others to go and fight but she isn’t bombing cities or being irrational. She is simply just using another way to speak without force. Also, the idea of women’s rights are being reinforced and its speaking on how women now have the chance to really say what they want and have their own opinions is most society’s.

C) This article is written by a New York Times journalist. They have information from researchers in Paris but the actual article was written by an undefined gender, most likely American. You can tell it’s from an outsider’s point of view considering they weren’t in Europe of interviewing the suspect at the scene but only reporting the evidence.

D) The author’s point of view impacts the issue being reported by all the different ideals they go throughout this topic. The author is focused on showing how its better how women’s rights are changing. It makes the article seem more positive because it doesn’t talk about many negative aspects. They are mostly speaking about how things are improving in the society and that the more voices heard the better chance any area has of improving their society.

E) I feel a point of view missing within the article is one from a woman in another country facing the problem of having no rights as a woman. I feel I could have a better understanding of this topic with hearing this point of view because it could really show me what other women are going through and what an accomplishment these societies are having with improving how they treat their people and women these days.

F) I feel this article is very informational. I never really realized that women are looking for various ways such as the internet in other country’s just so they could help those who they care for and fight for what they believe in. It shows how hard some people have to work to earn their respect and have to really take a stand to prove a point as where in America we usually use our connections and status to get us around instead of finding more and more ways to really speak out to others when we need too the most. Overall, I thought this article was very good and I enjoyed reading and learning about this woman El Aroud and the right of women elsewhere from here today.

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