Monday, May 12, 2008

How about cloned beef, U.S. asks

I. Citation:

Sunday, May 11, 2008
How about cloned beef, U.S. asks
Japan Times
Kyodo News

II. Summary:

The U.S. has requested Japan for permission to export beef from that of cloned cows. Japan is still considering whether or not it will import the beef. Their reasons are to better research the effects that the cloned cow’s beef can take. However, the U.S. is still imposing a ban on any cloned products. Japan is more likely to request the beef if the ban is lifted.

III. Reactions:

A) This article relates to the AP World History theme Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment. This is because the article really makes you realize how advanced society is becoming. For example, technology is so advanced that now society is able to use cloning as a means of a food source.

B) The U.S. has been conducting cloning experiments for over ten years. Scientists say that the beef coming from cloned cows has just as much quality as a bred cow’s meat would have. However, researchers cannot be positive on what the effects of cloning can have on society. Due to this, the Agricultural Department has requested cloning companies to reframe from the selling of their products until further research is conducted.

C) The point of view for this article is a Japanese journalist. He or she is an outside source.

D) Due to this, the article may be skewed in favor of the exporting and importing of cloned goods. Japan would request to import cloned goods if the U.S. were to lift the banning of cloned products.

E) The voice of a researcher would have been prevalent in this article. It would have better verified the dangers of cloned product consumption. Also, the voice of a U.S. official would have helped because it would explain why they would have a ban on cloning products when they are requesting the permission of Japan to export the cloned products.

F) I don’t feel that the world is ready to make cloning a means of a food source just yet. The effects of doing so are unknown and can potentially cause many problems. Also, I question what will happen for the Agricultural Department and whether or not the effects will cause them suffering.


Donny Riordan said...

I wonder how the beef would taste. Would it taste artificial? But how does this have a positive effect. Isn't it just like the cows giving birth. If it is a faster process then this would be good as we might be able to feed the starving, but I doubt that we will any way.

Richelle. said...

Wow thats really weird. I feel this article is very interesting. I think they should do more tests on the cloned cow meat to see if its okay to eat. I have to say, thats a cool topic! I actually really like this idea if it works because with clones animals are less easy to be extinct maybe and then the idea of loosing animals and food wont be a problems. Maybe with the idea of eating cloned meat it can help solve world hunger. We should really use our tax dollars into this.