Friday, May 16, 2008

UN in dark about Myanmar cyclone disaster needs

World New

May 16th

  • Summary- 2 weeks since a killer cyclone hit Myanmar, the United Nations is still in the dark regarding the severity and suffering within. The citizens of Myanmar are not accepting aid at this point leaving almost 2.5 million people without resources, homes, clean drinking water and leaving a mess of disaster behind. At least 43,318 people were killed and almost 28,000 went missing and they are accounted for. The United Nations are estimating that about 100,000 died. United Nations is attempting to help the citizens but the government of Myanmar is not currently allowing them to help. One of the main problems now is that the peoples lack of sanitation and food and the possibility of disease breaking out will lead to an extreme rise in the death rate. Presently relief efforts are small but are finally occurring as time passes.
  • This article relates to the theme impact of interaction among and within major societies. The societies inside is beginning to fall apart as food is so scarce. Not only that the people are currently disputing the allowance of aid to this place that severely needs it.
  • A huge cyclone, terrorized the Myanmar area and left so many without anything and everything. The people are starving, sick, and 2 weeks later, still without proper relief. The Myanmar military isn't releasing any information which makes it very hard to decide how to help.
  • The author of this article seems to be someone very educated on the topic but lacking information considering the Myanmar government and citizens aren't really cooperating with aid and/or asking for help. He/she also probably hasn't actually been within the place considering only quotes of people not actual narration was given about the destruction.
  • You can tell that the author really wants the people of Myanmar to accept aid considering he/she describes the cyclone as a huge problem that could have and did desolate the people. he/she is also currently explaining how evidence of cholera is being found showing that he/she is trying to get the point across of how horrifying this event really is.
  • It would be very helpful to hear from a Myanmar military officer to tell us why they won't accept aid considering that aid would benefit their society tremendously. It might also be helpful to hear from a cyclone survivor on the severity of the disaster.
  • Personally, I think that without aid it will take a much longer time for Myanmar to bounce back from this disaster if they don't accept help. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't want people to come and help them rebuild their society piece by piece. The ultimate destruction makes it evident how much they really need help and right now I'm really wondering why you wouldn't accept help with so many people in need.


Chris Morano said...

It doesnt make sure why the Myanmar government are not accepting help from the United Nations. The U.N's aid would help the ill citizens, providing needs in a time after disaster. I completly agree with Kristen.

Jillian Buckley said...

i have to agree with kristen and chris. it doesnt really make sense to refuse help. by the time they ask for help, most of Myanmar's people will be dead and thats the sad truth.