Friday, May 16, 2008

At Least 80 Killed in India Terrorist Attacks

I. At Least 80 Killed in India Terrorist Attacks, Jerusalem Post, May 14, 2008,

II. The blasts on Tuesday has killed a total of 80 people now after 20 people had recently died over night. Almost 200 people were injured by a series of seven blasts, in Japur, India. There was an eighth bomb found but was defused by the police. Many people believe that the blasts were terrorist attacks by an Islamic group. A.S Gill says, "obviously, it's a terrorist attack... the way it has been done, the attempt was to cause the maximum damage to human life. The explosions began at 7: 30 p.m and the first bomb detonated near the temple of the Hindu Monkey God where many gathered to worship. The temple was crowded with people where almost all of them were killed. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks, but attacks like this have happened recently by Muslim groups and it is strongly believed that they participated in these attacks again. Indian authorities have blamed the Pakistan- based extremist Islam groups for attacks that started in 2005 that have killed 400 people to date. After each bomb the tensions between Hindus and Islam's has increased and an open war between them is sure to come soon.

II. A) This article relates to the AP World History theme of impact of interaction among and within major societies. It relates to this because Pakistan people are believed to be attacking and killing Indian people.
B) Attacks like these have been going on in India for a very long time. The Islamic people seem to have a problem with people of different religions and are strongly against Hindu people.
C) This article is being written by an entirely outside source. The authors are the staff of the Jerusalem post. They are not part of these attacks, but they have researched thoroughly and know what they are talking about.
D) I do not see any indication of any bias towards the way the article is being written. The author is an outside source, but they know what they are talking about. They obviously are writing in favor of the Indian people becuase of these terrible attacks.
E) The point of view of one of the attackers is missing in this article. Obviously we wouldn't get their point of view because they have not revealed themselves. It would help to know what their motives and actions were.
F) I believe this is an absolutly terrible thing to happen. Whenever I see something like this happen I am in shock. It is a horrible thing that never should happen. Humans killing humans just because of differences in religion is wrong and unjust. I hope that someday this can all just end.

1 comment:

twalsh said...

Hey Tyler, I completely agree with you that this should never happen and I also hope it stops. This was a great article and a great example of the AP World History theme of the impact of interaction among and within major societies. In this case it turned out to be a horrible impact and just because of different beliefs. It is completely wrong for these people to kill each other because they don't like how or what they believe in. What i want to know is what sparked this sudden action to kill and attack? Hopefully someone confesses and takes responsibility for their actions that cost many their lives.