Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More Shame on the Junta

I. More Shame on the Junta New York Times, May 21, 2008
II. Its been about three weeks since the cyclone in Myanmar and the junta’s refusal to allow outside relief efforts interfere with the recovery process continues to increase along with the death toll in the area. The only steps that have been taken to allow other nations to help with the nation's revival were letting neighboring countries oversee the foreign relief efforts and the granting of the United Nations World Food Program consent to fly nine helicopters to the destruction site. Granted the damage done, this is clearly not enough. Besides these aids, no other countries, including the US and France who are loaded with relief supplies, are banned from coming into Myanmar at this time. An international conference is planned to be held this weekend for which Myanmar generals think will address the reconstruction of the disaster area, although other nations are going to make it clear that no reconstruction aid will be given until all civilian relief is fulfilled. And even then, all reconstruction efforts will be overseen by various international organizations. Still thousands of lives are lost everyday due to the ongoing destruction that the cyclone brought on.
A. The AP theme this article relates to is Interactions between humans and the environment. Cyclone Nargis shows how societies deal with great destruction brought on by the environment.
B. The historical background of this issue goes back to Friday, May 2nd, 2008 when Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar leaving a trail of destruction around Yangon and the Irrawaddy Delta. The storm’s peak wind speed was as high as 121 mph at landfall. The cyclone itself did not leave as many deaths as the tidal surge that was brought inland from the sea. All together at least 100,000 people are dead, and the death toll keeps rising. .

C. The author of this article is unknown. They seem to be an outsider writing about the topic, probably from the United States having the source be The New York Times.
D. This article provides much bias throughout the text. The words that are used to describe the Myanmar government are negative and accusatory. He even goes on to call the generals acts “criminal”.
E. A missing voice that could be added in order to fully asses this article to its fullest ability would be hearing the point of view of the Myanmar victims. The Myanmar government claims to have everything under control (civilian wise), but the only way to know for sure would be to hear from the actual victims who are receiving the “care” that the junta claims to be giving.
F. I really enjoyed this article due to the strong opinion that the author gave. I agree highly with the article in that there needs to be more efforts present in Myanmar despite the arrogant government. I highly doubt that everyone is treated and taken care of that needs to be in Myanmar. Hopefully there will be a solution soon so that everyone can he helped that is in need of it.

1 comment:

RSpinner said...

Hey Sydney!!! :)
Why can't countries just help them out? It's terrible that this cyclone caused so many deaths, it really is a tragedy, but taking it into their own hands isn't necisarilly the best thing to do when their are other countries that are willing to help them out.