Thursday, May 22, 2008

Advice From White House is Not Always Followed

I. Citation- Title: Advice From White House is Not Always Followed
Source of the article- New York Times and the Date of article- May 22, 2008

II. Summary- The article I choose for this blog was Advice From the White House- Not Always Followed. This article was about Israel and Syria entering into comprehensive peace talks, but the Bush administration is opposed to such private peace talks. Mr. Bush himself has the policy of not talking to enemies without first getting the preconditions met, therefore this news of Israel and Syria trying to make ends meet, goes against his policy. Although the Bush Administration has created this policy, over the years they have gone against it, even without their own knowledge of it. They had talks with Libya, North Korea and Iraq without first making preconditions, which therefore states the facts of them going against their own policies. Meanwhile Israel and Gaza have been having Peace meetings with Egypt as the go- through, and are trying to come to peace on the issue of the Gaza blockade and bombings. " Sometimes expediency makes former enemies, temporary allies."

III. Reactions-
A. This article relates to the ap world theme the impact of interaction within and among major societies because this article has to do with the fact that the interaction between enemies can result fatally or can result peacefully. Also how the influence of another society, in a major conflict, can be either bad or good, depending on the opinion.

B. The historical background on this issue is very different between the many societies mentioned. Mostly the conflict between Syria and Israel is that they have almost always been fueding, so much that Israel has set up a blockade in Gaza, and Gaza has been bombing different parts of Israel for quite some time.

C. The part of view of the article is an outsider, a New York Times female writer who got her information most likely from interviews from the people who are actually involved in the problem.

D. I do not believe that the author of this article is not showing any bias because she is not from either side, and therefore she does not have an opinion for one side. Although when the Bush administration was mentioned, she did try to make it sound "pleasant" and that they were trying to make a difference.

E. To gain full knowledge of this article I feel that the point of view that would be needed is that of people that actually live in the fueding territories, because their opinion is what really matters on the issue. They are the ones who are dealing with the problems everyday and therefore are the ones who will voice their opinions on whether or not they want to make peace.

F. My opinion on this whole issue of not speaking to your enemy without first making preconditions, is that I completely agree. I think that there is a reason that you call a certain society your enemy, and therefore they really may not be a way for you to speak peacefully with each other. I believe that with preconditions everything is kind of mapped out, and in the end you may be able to have a peaceful conversation, because you knew what was going to happen.

1 comment:

scφtt timmel said...

I agree with you saying that preconditions in order to be safe when dealing with enemies. I also that the governmet should not go against their own policies. Doing this makes it seem to other countries, such as Israel, that these policies don't matter. Great job on your article.