Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kissinger Warns: Iran Threat Will not Go Away

May 14th, 2008
Kissinger: Iran Threat Will Not Go Away

In this article, Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of state, stated that the possibility of Iran holding nuclear weapons will not disappear and needs to be dealt with. He also states that certain criteria must be formed in order to define what constitutes as a nuclear threat and what doesn't. Kissinger believes that if left alone, the Iranian threat could severely harm not only the US, but Israel especially as well.


I think this article relates closest to the third World History theme "Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment." The article talks about how the techonology of nuclear warheads could affectively destroy Israeli society, and severely threaten American society, if they were ever in the hands of Iran.

America has been at war with Iraq and Iran since 2001, due to the events taken place on september 11th. Since then, the possibility of nuclear war has always been a primary worry, especially given the fact that we weren't even sure if they had nuclear arms or not.

The Author is Greer Fav Cashman, a writer for the Jerusalem post. Based on his name I can gather that he is a man, but I'm not sure what nationality he is.

The article does seem to focus around Kissinger and his comments about nuclear arms in Iran, although that's not to say that another view isn't represented. However, I think that the article does reinforce Kissinger's statements more than any other included. His stand the issue isn't clear, but I'm guessing that Cashman is edging towards agreeing with Kissinger's statement.

We're missing the point of view from someone not of American nationality. I think it would be helpful to see what the thoughts of someone closer to the issue are.

Kissinger has had much experience in politics and has always been known as a great negotiator and protector of peace. I'm going to have to say that I agree with his opinion, and believe that we should set up guidelines of how we should go about saying whether a nuclear threat is present. Also, we should deal with the issue of the possibility of Iran having nuclear arms.


Kenneth B said...

I think it is important to discover whether or not Iran has nuclear weapons and, if they do, figure out a way to destroy them. We have to maintain the safety of the Israel and and the United States. I think that the criteria of nuclear weapons being a threat should be based on whether the U.S.A. is allies with the country.

Lisa said...

Figuring out whether Iran does or does not have nuclear weapons should really be a priority for the US. We can't act on presumptions and suspicions, and while we do need to protect Israel, going off the basis that Iran has weapons could be disasterous if none are found. We need to find the weapons, and get them out of there, even if they don't plan on using them. Nuclear weapons just make this worse.