Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Isreal: Iran could have nukes by '09

I. Citation: March 6, 2008. Jerusalem Post. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1209627027461&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

II. Summary: The Jerusalem Post has noted that the Islamic Republic are very close to being able to control centrifuge technology and be able to enrich uranium. Teheran’s nuclear program could have a nuclear warhead by the end of 2008. Iran has had numerous obstacles in the enriching of uranium but has finally solved the problem and is ready to create a nuclear warhead. Iran is also creating a cruise missile that can carry a nuclear warhead. The missile will travel low enough so that radar will not be able to catch it. NATO is worried that other countries will follow in Iran’s footsteps and creates nuclear warheads of their own. NATO is going to have a problem tracking these missiles and have to come up with something that will be able to stop these nuclear warheads from hitting key locations in the world today.

III. Reactions:
A) This article relates to the AP World History theme of Development and Interaction of Cultures because Iran is developing their nuclear warheads and Israel is not supporting of their decision.
B) Both the Israeli’s and the Iranian people do not get along. It has been that way for many years. There is a lot of tension between the two of them and something is bound to happen between the two of them.
C) The person responsible for writing this article is a male Israeli, which would be considered an insider.
D) You might want to approach this document with caution because it was written by an Israeli who might have exaggerated how far along the Iranian people really are to constructing a nuclear bomb.
E) It would be nice to hear from a high ranking military officer that might have some knowledge and insight about the whereabouts of how far along they are to making a nuclear bomb.
F) I do not think that the Iranian military is that close to creating a nuclear bomb. It would be extremely hard for them to have smuggled the components in from other countries. It is possible for them to have a nuclear bomb so I won’t doubt them. I know what they are capable of and fear whatever it is that they plan to do.

By Dylan Senft

1 comment:

cbertothy said...

This could get very bad very quickly because if Iran got these nuclear weapons, it could be the start of anothter war, where other countries, such as the US might try and stop them from holding this power.