Thursday, May 8, 2008

Iran's Jews won't mark Yom Ha'atzmaut

Article: “Iran’s Jews won’t mark Yom Ha’atzmaut”
Date: May 7th Site:

Summary: This article describes how the Iranian Jews will not celebrate Israel’s 60th Independence Day, or Yom Ha’atzmaut. This holiday is celebrated every year, but the Iranian Jews refuse to acknowledge it. They are saying the reason for this is that Israel killed perfectly innocent Palestinian civilians. The Iranian Jewish leader went as far as to say that Israel was demonstrating “anti-human behavior.” They also stated that they are Iranians and not from Israel, so why should they be celebrating another country’s holiday?

1) This article relates to the theme development and interactions of cultures. The article is about the Iranian Jews not celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut due to the Israelis brutality towards Palestinian civilians.

2) The Iranian Jews have always been treated fairly in Iran. The Israelis have never had any major problems with the Iranians although there have been problems between the Palestinians.

3) This article was written by a Jewish person in Israel. It was a male who seemed to have interviewed the Jewish leader in Iran, getting a first hand experience.

4) The title of this article seems biased towards the Iranian Jews, as he says “Iran’s Jews won’t mark Yom Ha’atzmaut.” It seems as though he does not agree with the Iranians’ opinion on Israel’s killings. That is most likely because he lives in Israel and would not write against his own country in the newspaper. He also said “Morsadegh went on to claim…” possibly saying that the writer may not believe him.

5) A missing point of view of this article could be from a common Jewish person living in Israel. It could be possible that the Jewish Israelis don’t really care and the newspaper is just making a big deal out of it.

6) Based on the article, I think the Iranian Jews are right to not celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut. First of all they aren’t even a part of Israel. Second Israel has done some nasty things and I could see why the Iranian Jews would not want to take part in Israel’s holiday. And third, it isn’t even a true Jewish holiday, it is a holiday for all Israelis.

1 comment:

scφtt timmel said...

I thought that this was a very intersting article. I agree that boycotting the holiday is a good idea. It may even make Israel try and settle the problems between them and Palestine faster. By not participating in this holiday they are making sure not to support Israeli actions. Good Job.