Thursday, May 8, 2008

Food crisis leaves many Afgans desperate

I. Citation:
Food crisis leaves many Afgans desperate- Fri May 2, 6:21 AM

II. Summary:
The Afgans can not pay for there food anymore. The cost of wheat and flour has went up 75% and for the poor countries like Afghanistan , they can not afford it. U.N. World Food Program warns that the number of deaths from malnutrition are likely to increase if this keeps up the way it is. People are not dying from starvation but from the diseases that their bodies are weakened form hunger. It is estimated that 10,400 people die of nutritional deficiencies every year. People are living in greater fear of whats is to come if this year's crop fails. Even Pakistan there food imports, are forcing higher prices because of the suffering of its own wheat shortage. But for the first time in 6 years the WFP has begun food distributions in AFgan cities. And they have gotten the 110-pound sack of flour imported from Pakistan from $50 to $40. They predict that after the May harvest prices would drop further.

III. Reactions:
A) This article relates to the AP World History theme- 3. Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the enviroment. This is a good theme for this article because its all about how much the price of wheat is and how it has an effect on the people not being able to purchase it. And this eventually leads to diseases of hunger and dieing.

B) Some background information on this article is that is the past they have had some food shortages in the past but there wre silos. The gov't had serveral months supply to cope with a food crisis. Now the gov't can't even cope for one day. They have not experienced anything so harsh like this before. Thats why they were not prepared.

C) The Point of View of this article is a male, American that is interviewing the Afgans.

D)The person that is writing this is not part of the gov't so they would do anything to point out all the flaws that the gov't has. Basically blaming it all on the rise of wheat which they really can't do much about. So of course there going to make it look like everyone is suffering so they can get people's attension and try to do something about it.

E) I would like to hear from someone form our goverenment and what they think about this and how can we solve it, and quickly. In the article i only heard from there side not so much the American side. If i heard from the American side it would help me more on fully understanding the article.

F) I think that what is going on in Afgan is terrible. Everything these days pricer are just increasing so much. From gas to now wheat and flour. We need to help these people before they all get so weak of hunger. A lot of these people are job-less so it's not like they can even work to get some money and try to save up from food. And if they do work its nearly enough to pay for food to eat and support a family of 14.

1 comment:

Max F. said...

your article interested me, seeing as how the same thing is happening in Egypt. I noticed that a women in the article says its the Us's fault, when in fact we are only trying to help and they are probably better off with us there. Matts pizza costs more now because of this flower price increase also, next its gonna be Alpine charging more.