Saturday, May 17, 2008


May 17, 2008

BUrma 'guilty of inhuman action'
II. Summary: Write a thorough and accurate summary of the major points of your article. This article follows up on the destruction of Burma after the cyclone hit. Mr. Brown describes this region as “It is being made into a man-made catastrophe…” He says this because the leaders of Burma are not excepting any help from any other countries. Mr. Brown describes “This is inhuman…” because he is causing so many more deaths than necessary because of the increased number of people requiring assistance.
Currently there are at least 78,000 people dead and a reported 56,000 people missing. Other UK and Asian states are trying a mixed relief as a last resort to help these people and give them basic necessities.
III. Reactions:
A) How does this article relate to one of the AP World History themes?
This article relates to the interactions of cultures. This situation shows how nations can work together to try to help these people when their country is suffering so much.
B) Evaluate the historical background of the issue (i.e. explain the history of the issue)
This situations history goes back to the cyclone that happened not too long ago. A cyclone hit and caused much damage and destruction. At first they estimated 41,000 people dead now the number has increased.

C) Identify the point of view of the article – who is writing it? (Nationality, gender, insider/outsider?) This article does not have a certain writer or certain point of view. However, quotes from Foreign Office Minister Lord Malloch-Brown are included.

D) Discuss any indication that the author’s Point of View is impacting how the issue is being reported, i.e. any evidence of bias in favor of or against a party involved in the issue?
The only point of view that could be included would be from the quotes included from the Foreign Office Minister. His quotes are in remarks to the current situation and how what these leaders are doing is inhuman and they are causing a man-made catastrophe. Thos statements are just opinions of this one person and are not real facts. When I read this article I took that fact into consideration when forming my own opinion on this issue and what should be done.

E) What point of view is missing within the article? Who would you want to hear from to gain a full understanding of the issue?
To better understand this situation I would like to hear from a Burma leader. That would help me understand this country’s reasoning for not allowing foreign aid to help this country and bring it out of this destruction.

F) Share your own reactions and insight into the article
I agree with Mr. Brown in saying how what these leaders are doing is inhuman, and how this is becoming a man-made catastrophe. I think that this country should allow other nations and countries to help them. However I also think that this country must have a reason for not allowing these people much needed help and necessities.

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