Friday, May 16, 2008

Blaming Worldwide Issues on the Obese

Magda K.

I. Citation

“Obese blamed for the world's ills”

II. Summary

Research teams in England are blaming obese people for climate change and the worldwide food problem. They calculated that the obese consumes 18% more calories than average. They are also blamed for using more fuel for transportation. The World Health Organization states that the obesity rate will increase dramatically by 2015.

III. Reactions

1) This article relates to the AP World Theme: Impact of technology, economics, and demography on people and the environment. They are saying how the obese are bringing down the economy of all countries. They are also saying how food prices are increasing a lot and that’s why the poorer countries can’t afford food.

2) Obesity is a health problem, not an economic problem. People use transportation worldwide and they consume food too. Some regions have less equipment than other regions. The citizens of the United States use a lot of energy and not everyone there is obese!

3) A BBC reporter put together this article. Apparently, the reporter is an outsider of this issue. The race and gender is unknown.

4) This article is against overweight people. They are showing favoritism to the thinner people by putting accusations towards the overweight people.

5) An obese person’s point of view is missing from the article. I would like to hear from an obese person in order to learn more on the issue and listen to their opinions of this situation.

6) I think people want to blame all the worldwide economic issues on a specific group of people. It makes life easier to know the causes of problems though obesity isn’t the economic problem, but a medical problem. I think this issue is completely ridiculous.

1 comment:

nikki said...

I think that this issue is completely ridiculous too and I'm surprised it was written at all. I also think that obesity could be an economic problem. It's an interesting view that since the U.S. has a ton of obese people, it could be safe to say that we use more fuel because of how lazy we all are. Other than that, this article may not have been worth it.(no offense meant whatsoever)