Monday, May 26, 2008

Fighting between countries

UN backs Georgia over drone claim
May 26, 2008


Georgia's plane was shot down the other day. They are accusing Russia of shooting it down but Russia is denying the charges. Georgia was even able to show the video from the plane that was shot down showing that it was shot down by a Russian plane. The Russian leader called this video "nonsense". With Georgia and Russia accusing each other Abkhazia is getting tense, since it is located in the middle of the two countries. Moscow is going onto Russia's side and saying that Georgia was planning on attacking the Russian society. The leaders are now fighting and societies are wondering why Georgia's plane was flying over Abkhazia. On the same day as this airplane shooting, the Russian leader sent a greeting over to Georgia and wished for peace between the two countries.

  • The ap theme that this article relates to is the interaction between and among societies. This is because the two societies are interacting but not in a good way. The two societies are fighting about a plane that was shot down. But in order for them to fight the two societies have to interact.
  • The historical background on this issue is that Georgia and Abkhazia had a war that ended in the 1990's. For Georgia's plane to be flying over their societies it is making people wonder if they were going to attack. Also, the day that this happened was Georgia's independence day which shows us that Russia does not want them to be independent.
  • The point of view of this article is an outsider.
  • The point of view in this article could show bias since the writer is blaming Russia for this whole situation. The writer is not saying that it is Georgia's fault but they are wondering what Georgia's plane is doing over Abkhazia.
  • The point of view missing from this article is that of the Russian. The Russians would be able to show us if it was them or not. Another point of view missing is that of Abkhazia. This could show us what they thought of what happened and how they feel of how Georgia's plane was flying over their country.
  • I feel that the plane was shot down because of Russia. I only feel this way because Georgia has a video showing the Russian plane shooting down Georgia's plane. I also feel that the Russians want to put this behind them considering that they sent a message asking for peace.


carolena said...

This article gives a dimming light to the global problems already happening today. ALthough this incident maybe a miner issue now, it seems that it can grow easily into a national problem between the two countries as well as Abkhazia. Hopefully, Georgia is willing to accept the peace offer made by Russia or else this can grow so much it may lead into an unneccessary war with three sides fighting; one will be against Russia, one will be against Georgia, and one may be just to defend themselves. Hopefully this problem will be controlled and handled on a fair scale and those who are truly guilty will confess.

Sabrina C said...

I agree with both of you if they have evidence that they were being shot down by a Rusian plane , what more do they really need? I agree that it can grow into a bigger issue if Georgia does not aaccept Russia's peace offer.

Chris Morano said...

Based on the video evidence, I believe that the plane was shot down because of the Russians. Also, it seemed bizarre that after Russia's defence ministry rejected UN's findings and called the video "nonsense", Russia's president immediatly asked for "friendship and spiritual kinship" with Georgia. This tells me that the Russian president is aware that his country is to blame. Nevertheless, Georgia must accept his peace offer so fighting between the countries does not take place.

Jay said...

I believe that Russia did shoot down the plane. I do not know how the Russian president can deny their involvement in the attack if there is clear evidence. I also think it is interesting that earlier in the year I did an article on Georgia and Russia and their conflicting relationship and it still hasn't changed.