Monday, May 26, 2008

Can India and China dance?

I. Can India and China dance?
Monday, May 28th

II. Although many professors and researchers group both India and China together in the same economic stance, this article stipulates that they are in fact very different and each deserves its own face in the economic world. China has always been more ahead than India has in its financial success and also goes about it differently. If China wants something done, they have the power to do it without a fuss. India on the other hand, must take it up with the legal and court systems which could overrule or just postpone it putting their success to a halt. India though competing differently than China, has still kept themselves in the game and both countries have frequent interaction and grow from on e another.

IIa) This article can relate in a way to almost all the themes, but it mostly closely relates to the theme Impact of interaction among and within major societies. The article is most like this AP world theme because since India and China do interact so much and have since even ancient times, pulled out and brought back certain aspects of each other home to their country, it has put them in such major competition with each other. From not just their economic states, but religion, lifestyles and goods have correlated each other due to constant interaction that happens between the two.
IIb) A lot of the ancient history of these two nations ties into this article. India have been trading and interacting with each other for hundreds of years. Not only do they both lie in well situated areas for trading both by mariner and overland trade, but even such things as Buddhism has carried over to China from India which puts them as close countries since many historical Buddhists sites lie in India. China’s partial isolationism and India’s central standpoint have long connected their economies together which make it inevitable for them to compete over success.
IIc) Shashi Tharoor is the author of this article. He has grown up in India and written countless books of his political research. He served in India’s government for many years and can easily uncover and provide liable information about India’s economic standpoint as well as China’s since he worked with them so much.
IId) Since the author is from India, he makes the article more so on how India has helped China in more ways. This is especially prevalent when he states, “India is stronger in areas that China needs to improve.”
IIe) It would be beneficial to hear the view point of someone from China who is equally in status as Shashi Tharoor is in India. This writer may open to see how much India has benefited China in a more specialized way then just saying that trade has flourished.
IIf) I have never really realized the differences that each nation has had between the two when it comes to economy. I just figured that since they are so frequently grouped together, they are extremely alike. I liked this article because it made you get inside the mind of a true Indian to see how close these societies truly are and if they believe its fair to say that they so largely resemble each other.

By carolena


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. It has to be the Russians because there is enough evidence supportingthat the Russians did shoot down the plane. The video itself is a good source of concrete evidence, I also agree that the Russians probably regret doing this considering they sent a message for peace.

Nick said...

I disagree with Carolena because India and China are two different countries. They shouldn't be grouped together just because they are similar. They should both have an equal chance to do what they want.

Alyssa Sadusky said...

I agree with nick. Both these countries are thier own. They have separate governments, cultures and even cuisines! They should never be grouped together just beacause the societies overall are slightly similar.

Alyssa Sadusky said...

and did kristen comment on the wrong article....?

Magda K. said...

I agree with Alyssa and Nick. Both countries are in Asia, but they have different lifestyles and rules to follow by each day. India and China are two different countries!