Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bombing Iran: The Clamor Persists

Bombing Iran: The Clamor Persists
Time magazine
May 25, 2008

Recently, a heated topic of discussion by the U.S. senate has been what to do about the anti U.S. behavior in Iran. General David Petraeus was vigorously questioned on this past Thursday as if we were preparing for another war in the Middle East with Iran. One of the asked questions to him was whether or not our President, George Bush, was secretly planning an attack on the nation behind closed doors. His weariness on this situation seems to be based on the fact that Iran has been researching and building what seem to be nuclear weapons for a long time and, with their obvious hatred for America, this could become a dangerous situation for us. A former senior intelligence officer said that he thinks that after the election takes place it may be too late for the U.S. to take action on the nuclear amenities of Iran and to just do it now and get that weight of a possible nuclear war off of our backs. This is being held back for multiple reasons including the fact that President Bush has the interests of the anti-warfare society in America in mind. He also has to consider how this may affect the safety of our country in the future. No decision is predicted to be made in the near future but, something will have to be done soon to keep our country safe.

a. This article relates to the AP world history theme impact of interaction among and within major societies because the United States and Iran are both obviously major and important places and Earth and the fact that they are conflicting because of one another’s way of life, makes it an important impact in world history.
b. Iran has been known to not like the country of America and now that they have admitted to trying to develop nuclear “objects” the U.S. government is very suspicious and debating on how to deal with this clear threat as safely as possible.
c. Massimo Calabresi is the author of this article. He is American, obviously male and an insider because he spoke directly to members of the Senate and got his information from primary sources.
d. The author did a good job not letting his point of view show through in his writing, but I do think that it may have shown slightly when he mentions how Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates tried to “cool” the situation which might show how he thinks they should go to war and that there may be something secret going on in the government that they don’t want the public to know about.
e. The point of view that is missing from this article, although it would be hard to gain, is one of an Iranian leader. His opinion would help me better understand this article because it would give me a better idea of what Iran’s intentions with the nuclear power are and if it really needs to be a concern for us in America.
f. I believe that we need to take action immediately, if at all possible, and try to take out the plants attempting to make this nuclear energy before they have enough to try to bomb us. We have to keep the safety of Americans in consideration no matter what path we take, but, personally I believe that we must attack now rather than later when the could really do a lot of damage on us.

1 comment:

Tyler D said...

I absolutely agree with you Robby. If it is even a question as to what we should do then something is obviously wrong. If these plants are not destroyed then all of Americans lives could hang in the balance. The American government must take action to see that these power plants are shut down immediatly.