Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blasts leave 56 dead in India

I. "Blasts leave 56 dead in India." International Herald Tribune. 5/14/08.

II. Seven bombs went off within minutes of each other in Jaipur, India on Tuesday, killing 56 and wounding 84. Typical of terrorist attacks in India, no claimed responsibility. India's nuclear rival and neighbor, Pakistan is suspected. Pakistan continues to deny accusations of any attacks in India. The bombs went off near a Hindu temple and near shops and monuments. Survivors were brought to the overcrowded Sawai Man Singh Hospital. Hospitals requested blood donations and police secured the city. With it not being a busy tourist season, no foreigners were killed or injured. This attack and similar previous attacks have failed in igniting any religious fury between the Muslims and the Hindus.

III. a) This article relates to the theme "development and interactions of cultures" because a terrorist group is possibly trying to create tension between the Muslims and Hindus with deadly bombs.
b) Bombings like this have occurred in the last 3 years in mosques, temples, and public places.
c) Somini Sengupta is a woman who was born in India, but grew up mostly in the United States. She is currently living in India so she is somewhat an insider.
d) The author shows bias by telling how bad the event was and including information on how Pakistan is suspected.
e) The article included that the Pakistani prime minister denied the bombings, but I would like to see a quote from him telling what he thinks of the situation.
f) I think the people who are responsible for the attacks need to be identified and captured quickly, so the people in India don't have to worry. I don't think any religious violence like a war or battle between the Hindus and Muslims will occur.


Jacob said...

I agree with Kenneth, many people have died leaving families in grief and sorrow. I believe that this is another scene sectarian tension. As I myself have gone to this area of the world I have seen that there are many religions living side by side causing small battles and fights. It is completely wrong that people would do something like, if this is a fight between different religions it needs to stop. Although they have different views on how to life live, it does not mean that one is allowed to kill another person over their ideas and philosophies.

Alyssa Sadusky said...
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Alyssa Sadusky said...

I think that trying to use innocent people as a way to futher your own needs is horrible. How they can just kill and have no pity or guilt amazes me.