Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cristina in the Land of Make-Believe

I. Cristina in the Land of Make-Believe, The Economist, May 1st

II. Summary

Argentina has a new president, Christina Fernandez, wife of the last president, Nestor Kirchner. The election was an easy victory for her, this is because she made promises to keep up Argentina's impressive economic performance, relieve social tensions and improve and rebuild its foreign relations. So far, Argentina is worse off now then before Christina was elected in with her promises of improvement. Farmers haved revolted against the taxes because they're profit was currently cut to 6% due to Fernandez's raise on agricultural import taxes. Fernandez called the farmers greedy and wrongfully accused them of seeking a military coup. Instead of raising the agricultural import taxes to stabilize the economic situation the government needs to allow the peso to appreciate, cut down on spending on growth and energy subsidies and raise interest rates. Also, most likely a result of inflation and an unstable economy, the poverty rate has risen from 27% to 30% since 2006. As for foreign policy relations, her desire to improve relations with the United States has not turned out too well. A campaign-finance imbroglio resulted. A Beunos Aires airport impounded $800,000, brought to Argentina from the United States by Antonini Wilson (who arrived on a private planed rented by the Argentine government). Recently, five men were prosecuted for threatening Wilson and claimed they had evidence the $800,000 was for Fernandez's presidential campaign. In response to the incident, Christina blamed the United States government of being a "garbage operation" against her. Christina's approval rating is currently at a very low 35%.

III. Reactions
  • This article relates to the theme of development and transformation of social structures, this is because of the recent 3% increase in the poverty rate and the mistreatment of the people saving Argentina, the farmers.
  • Historical Background- The last Argentine president was Nestor Kirchner, husband of current president Christina Fernandez. Overall, he was popular. During his presidency Argentina's farm exports were at record high highs and he helped the economy even futher with public spending and an undervaluated currency and convinced businesses to freeze prices.
  • The point of view is that of a British outsider.
  • There is indication that the author is against the new Argentine president. For example, the author described Fernandez along with Michelle Bachelet as "hapless." It is also possible that the authour took a quote from Fernandez, "a garbage operation" out of context when writing about her reaction to the campaign finance imbroglio incident.
  • One point of view missing within the article besides a quote possibly taken out of context is that of Fernandez. One's understanding of the issue would improve if the point of view of the president or any other high ranking individual in the government was given. It would give an explanation of Fernandez's recent actions and claims.
  • My opinion is that Fernandez is not the right individual for the job. From her claims that she thinks that the farmers are greedy and seeking a military coup, I think she is possibly paranoid and doesn't realize that the farmers are hardworking and can't live off 6%. I am not confidient that she can correct her mistakes but I hope for the sake of the Argentine citizens she does.

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