Sunday, May 25, 2008

Africa ODA to be doubled: Fukuda

I. Citation:

II. Summary:
The government of Japan has decided to double the amount of funds it provides for Africa. The Overseas Development Aid will increase to two hundred billion Yen by 2012. It will gradually do so on a disbursement basis. The Japanese Prime Minister plans to explain details at the Tokyo International Conference on African Development from May 28th to May 30th. In this conference, he also plans on presenting the One Village One Product movement. All of which will be taken place in Yokohama.

III. Reactions:
A) This article relates to the AP World History theme Impact of interaction among and within major societies because it shows how Japan is aiding African society through increasing its funds paid overseas. Africa should benefit from these funds and overtime, maybe even decrease the level of poverty within its society.
B) African society is, overall, poverty-stricken. There are billions of starving, hungry men, women, and children that go without proper nourishment or shelter every year. The One Village One Product movement is a program in which a community produces a good with high value, while another village produces a competitive crop, increasing business within that society. The Prime minister plans on presenting this movement at the conference.
C) The point of view of this article is a Japanese reporter named Reiji Yoshida. This reporter is an outside source.
D) One may have to read this article with caution because the author is not an inside source. Some of the information may be incorrect because the author has not witnessed it first-hand.
E) The point of view of someone living in African society who has experienced the society’s need to increase aid from other countries would have been vital. This person’s point of view would have pointed out how bad circumstances have been and would have even open the eyes of many who are not aware of the poverty within Africa.
F) I feel that it’s a very good thing that Japan is increasing its funds toward African society. The people of Africa are in great need of the funds. I question where these funds that Africa has been receiving have been going. Why, if Africa is receiving funds, is there still an astronomical amount of people starving daily? I also wonder what the U.S. is doing for the poverty-stricken people of Africa.


Kaitlyn Porter said...

I agree with chrissy on this article. I think it's great how Japan is doing so much to help Africa. However even though all these funds Africa is still having a hard time with poverty and everything. I also feel the United States is helping but we should do alot more to help the people suffering

emily benz said...

I also agree with Chrissy on this article. I feel that Japan is doing a great thing for the African society. Even though Japan is helping, it still seems that Africa is having a hard time with their poverty rates. I feel that the United States should step in and give them some financial aid like Japan is doing for them.

Caitlin Fredricks said...

I agree with Chrissy, Kaitlyn, and Emily in saying that it is great of Japan to be helping Africa, especially considering how poverty stricken they are. More countries should definitely step up to the plate and help Africa in fighting off their poverty and poor conditions. I also agree that it is important to keep track of where all of the money is going to, to make sure it is being used properly. But I also think that we often forget, and need to remember, that there are many people right here in our own community of Smithtown who need financial aid too. Before we start saying that the U.S. should donate all of this money to other countries, we need to make sure that we can take care of our own people too!