Thursday, May 29, 2008

"Peace will happen because it must"

I. “Peace will happen because it must”
The Jerusalem Post

II. Elie Wiesel believes that it is impossible for a second Holocaust to occur. Although this is a good thought, anti-Semitism is still occurring in the world today. Wiesel blames the Intra-Palestinian issues for the delay of peace. He feels that it could have occurred already despite the conflict. He is also trying to prove to those who feel that the Holocaust was fiction that it really did occur.

-This article relates to the theme, “Systems of social structure and gender structure.” This is a problem that is affecting the world socially because the Jews are being discriminated against.
-The Holocaust is what triggered this issue today. People are trying to stop the fear that something terrible that happened in the past will happen again today.
-Hilary Leila Krieger wrote this article. She is a female and an outsider because she is not Jerusalem experiencing this issue.
-I especially picked up on the point of view of Elie Wiesel. He is so certain that peace is near and that everything will be okay with the Jews, and that another holocaust will never happen again, but it seems as though he may just be in fear of it happening again because he is a Jew himself. He wouldn’t want another holocaust to happen. It is not to say that it will happen, but Wiesel may show some bias.
-I would like to hear from someone who is anti-semmetic. I would like to know if they are ready to make peace. Hopefully, they would be.
-I feel that the Jews have been discriminated against for too long and that the holocaust was an actual occurrence in history. Although, I would love to see peace, Wiesel does not seem to have a major plan to get there. He just states that it needs to happen.


Katie s said...

I forgot to add that the article was written on May 30, 2008.

lknoeller said...

I agree with Katie. People of the Jewish relgion have been disciminated against for a long time and still are. Wiesel doesn't have a plan to get full peace to occur, even though he states that it is very near. There is always a possibility for another Holocaust to happen.