Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Iraq party: Punish U.S. Soldier who shot at Quran

1. Citation:
Iraq party: Punish U.S. Soldier who shot at Quran
May 19, 2008

2. Summary:
On May 9, a U.S soldier used the Qur'an for target practice. The Iraqi Islamic Party says that this soldier deserves the "severest of punishments" and that it was a "blatant assault on the sanctities of Muslims all over the world." The U.S commander in Baghdad issued an apology and read the apology letter from the shooter. Due to his actions, this U.S soldier was officially reprimanded by his commanding general, dismissed from his regiment, and was redeployed. Pictures of the Quran were taken, showing multiple bullet holes. The soldier claimed that he didn't know the Qur'an was the holy book of Muslims.

a)This article relates to the AP theme "Impact of interaction among and within major societies" because the U.S. soldier is ignorant to the religion of Islam, and there is a culture clash in the Middle East.

b)There has been a lot of ignorance towards the religion of Islam, especially since September 11th. People have views, thinking Muslims are terrorists, which is not true.

c) This article doesn't tell whose writing it.

d)The article shows no possible bias. The author doesn't seem to be against or with a side.

e)I would have liked to have heard from President Bush because he was the one sending troops into Iraq and I would have liked to have heard his opinion on the ignorance of the U.S soldiers.

f)I think that it was a very wrong and ignorant thing for this soldier to do. By doing this, he probably doesn't want to solve the problems between the U.S and the Middle East. He could have used anything else for his target practice, and he choice the Qur'an, showing that he knew what it was. He must have known it was the holy book of Islam because i think it is truly hard to believe his excuse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe somenone would actually shoot at the Koran. It just shows the ignorance of some people, though these kinds of people aren't just from America.If he was even telling the truth when he said he didn't know the Koran was the holy book of Muslims, then it's a hame he doesn't know that. Though people in the military are sent to protect others, they are also a representation of the U.S. I hope that the people don't believe that all people in America that aren't Muslim are like this.