Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ethiopian children pay for food prices, drought

Source: from Guardian Newspapers Limited, 2008
Date: unknown

Summary: Up to 16 million Ethiopian children are at risk of malnutrition due to little rainfall and rising cereal prices. There is now a huge food shortage. The effects of this are now becoming apparent because many children require urgent therapeutic treatment. Unfortunately, the food shortage is expected to worsten because of the little rainfall. Aid is greatly needed in Ethiopia, but is limited because it is also needed in China and Burma. Crop failure is expected all throughout the region, greatly affecting much of the world. Food prices are just getting so high that people have to depend on aid to get the food they need to survive.

1. This article relates to the theme interaction between humans and the environment because this whole problem is occuring because of the bad weather (the drought.) Because of the shortage of crops, prices become higher. The economy and health of the people are affected because of the environment.

2. This has been occuring since September 2007, when the drought started. Since them, crop shortages has been worstening and worstening and still little has been done to fix it. Aid is a big help, but more of it is needed.

3. This is written by Xan Rice. I am unsure of his nationality, so I don't know if he is an insider or an outsider of the issue.

4. I think that the writter feels strongly about the issue and really wants something to be done about it. He mentions aid a lot and what they are doing to help, so you can see that he cares and wants this issue to come to an end.

5. I would like to see the point of view of the leader of Ethiopia to see how he/ she feels about the malnutrition. I would like to hear about what they are doing to help the people since it is such a big concern in this country. I would like to hear about how other countries are helping to save children's as well as adult's lives.

6. I think that this malnutrition should not be happening. However, I am glad that people are helping and giving aid to the Ethiopians. It doesn't seem fair how they have so little food when people in America seem to have such an abundant amount. I think that irrigation systems should be built to help grow more crops, despite the drought. People should raise money and help with this public works project.

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