Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Colombia: U.S. Accuses Russian of Arms Smuggling

Colombia: U.S. Accuses Russian of Arms Smuggling
By Alan Feuer
Published: May 7th, 2008

A 41 year old Russian Business man, Viktor Bout, had been accused of attempting to smuggle in illegal weapons such as rockets and missile launchers to the Columbian Rebels. Bout continues to deny all accusations, but if found guilty he will be indicted with federal terrorism charges. It is to be suspected that these weapons would be used to murder American troops aiding the Columbian government in helping fight the Rebels. An under cover sting operation was conducted to pursue the rebel leaders and find the purchasing of the weapons.

A) This article relates to the AP World History Theme of State building, expansion and conflict because there is conflict and tensions between the Columbian government, the U.S., and the Columbian rebels.
B) Over a period of time, the United States have been supporting and providing protecting the Columbian government from the rebels to stop the drug trafficking in Columbia. The rebels have been trying the smuggle weapons to attack the American troops stationed in Columbia in order to over throw the federal government.
C) Alan Feuer is a male American reporter for the New York Times and is an insider because he is American dealing with current news from the government.
D) This article might be skewed in the fact that the author is American and assumed that the weapons used by the Rebels were used to kill American soldiers and the Columbian government. Feuer may be overlooking the fact that our soldiers and the Columbian government have been murdering rebel leaders as well.
E) To gain a full understanding of the issue it would be helpful to hear from a Columbian government official to receive their outlook on why and how a Russian business man would get involved with the rebels. Also, I would like to hear from a Columbian rebel to understand why they are not tolerating the government and the American aid.
F) I believe that the only reason Viktor Bout got involved in the smuggling was for the money. If the Rebels had gotten hold of the missiles I believe a war would have broken out to protect the federal government of Columbia and to stop the retaliations of the rebels and their leaders.

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