Monday, May 5, 2008

Burmese storm toll 'tops 10,000'

Burmese storm toll 'tops 10,000'

II. Summary:
On Saturday one of the most destructive and tragic cyclone hit Burma, in Southeastern Asia. The full effects of this hurricane have not completely been measured. It is predicted that there was at least 10,000 deaths and 70-80% of their towns were destroyed. 5 regions in this area where about 24 million people live have been declared disaster zones. The Foreign Minister Nyan Win has officially requested international assistance. Several hundreds of thousands of people are in need of aid, many countries and regions are stepping in to help. Now some people are afraid that this natural disaster could have negative political repercussions. This is an international problem because of the lack of military aid and involvement in this region. Also this relates to the current situation in this region and creating a new constitution for political and military reform.III. Reactions:

A) How does this article relate to one of the AP World History themes?
This article relates to the political structures and governance of societies. This region is suffering because of the lack of political and military guidance within its constitution.

B) Evaluate the historical background of the issue (i.e. explain the history of the issue)
The background information on this subject is the fact that this regions people are suffering and a new constitution needs to be written. This was before this disaster even occurred, and now with the disaster political leaders hope that the military and government will aid in the rehabilitation of this region.

C) Identify the point of view of the article – who is writing it? (Nationality, gender, insider/outsider?)
This article has no specified author, however I can draw a conclusion that most of these statements are solid facts, because of the non opinionated conclusions made.

D) Discuss any indication that the author’s Point of View is impacting how the issue is being reported, i.e. any evidence of bias in favor of or against a party involved in the issue?
Some statements regarding the Minister explaining how the military will help and other political leaders believing that this disaster may change this regions political structure are opinions. However the facts about the disasters and deaths in this region are not opinionated just solid facts backed up by evidence.

E) What point of view is missing within the article? Who would you want to hear from to gain a full understanding of the issue?
The point of view that is missing in this article would be a civilian from Burma because they could explain what life was like under the old constitution and how it negatively affected this country. And also what there opinions on the fact of the government changing after this disaster are.

F) Share your own reactions and insight into the article.think that this natural disaster brought many other aspects of government structure into focus, and I think that it is unfortunate that government reform comes because of such a tragedy, however there was a need for political and military reform. I also think that this event is very sad and heartbreaking to see that so many people died, and I think that it is crucial for other countries to come and show their support and give aid in any way they can.


AllyCat1229 said...

I think that this is a sad and devastating event to see so many people die. However, I think that this event can bring many countries together because we should all work together in our time of need. Other countries should help in any way they can.

Yasemin Baturgil said...

This is a very tragic event, and it is very heartbreaking to read about the number of deaths this cyclone has caused. I think that more countries should help out because it will take alot to repair the damage that was done and to help the many people that are in need of aid.