Thursday, May 15, 2008

Burma eases restrictions on aid

1. Citation
BCC NEWS: Burma eases restrictions on aid
Date Published: May 11, 2008
Date Chosen: May 11, 2008

2. Summary
This article describes the utter devastation caused by the Cyclone Nargas that hit Burma almost a week ago. The article mainly focuses on the difficulties the world’s leading nations have faced on providing aid to the stricken country and its survivors. The state authorities estimate the death toll as having increased to 28,458, and there are still 33,416 persons still missing. However, aid agencies have their estimate at over 100,000 dead, and warn the figure could rise dramatically to over 1.5 million if clean water and food is not provided very quickly. The united nations estimates that a quarter of the survivors have still yet to receive any type of aid, and if aid to Burma does not get through very quickly, the situation will turn into a humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions in the days to come. If there are any positive signs coming out of Burma, it has to be that local military rulers have finally allowed relief and aid to be brought into to Burma to help survivors. This after preventing all aid to come into the country since the cyclone first came ashore over a week ago.

3. Reactions
A) The AP world history theme that relates to this article is, Impact of interaction among and within major societies. This relates to this article because the Aid foundations, such as the Red Cross are trying to interact with Burma to help the survivors of the cyclone that hit. They try to give supplies, which they receive from societies around the world, to the victims of the Cyclone.
B) The history of the issue is that Burma, the location where the cyclone hit, is an area close by the Indian Ocean, which is commonly known for storms. There are 33,416 persons missing and 28,458 dead. On May 11, 2008 a Red Cross aid ship traveling to deliver supplies, sunk and all the useful supplies were lost. The resulted in an aid supplies shortage for Burma which they will soon have to recover from otherwise lives will likely come scarce.
C) The point of view of this article is one most likely by a British writer because it is the nationality of the source, BCC News (British Broadcasting Corporation) [author not listed]. The writer of the issue seemed to know his/her facts and was very well-informed about the happenings in the country even though he/she is to be considered an outsider from the matter.
D) The article may show some bias of point of view that may be impacting how the issue is being reported by the author feeling sympathy for the country, Burma that was impacted by the Cyclone. It was shown that the writer cared about the lives and people that were affected by the matter and was trying to get people involved and aware of the issue.
E) The point of view missing from this article is one of a, person living in Burma when the cyclone impacted the country. It would be helpful to hear from the victim of the issue because in the article there is no indication of their opinion. In the article it basically states what the victims’ probably are feeling about the matter. It would be useful to hear how they feel they have been affected and impacted by the issue.
F) My reaction and insight to this article, is that, I feel sympathy for both the country and its victims’ from the Cyclone. However, I cannot rationalize how a government of a country, who is expected to support and care for it’s citizens, would do nothing to help or allow help to reach these victims, and just stand by while suffering men, women and children die each and every day as a result of this catastrophe and its aftermath.

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