Friday, May 30, 2008

Burma Grants All UN Visa Request

I. Citation
Title- Burma Grants All UN Visa Request
Date Written- 5-29-08

II. Summary
As of today Burma has agreed to allow officials from the UN to provide aid to the people of the country. It took a while to establish this deal, but UN officials were able to persuade Burma into accepting the deal. Elections were also held to see how many Burmese people would want to have financial aid from other countries. (A tremendous amount of voters said they wanted foreign aid.) Only until recently did the Burmese Leaders agree to having foreign aid, before this decision these high officials wanted no help, the Burmese government believed they could handle the situation themselves. Burmese Leaders did not want aid since they had a fear that with foreign aid spies would come and study the societies. (Spies could make reports which could bring down the empires reputation.) Burma in not a well known country to many, hopefully because of foreign aid, ties between countries and Burma will continue to be stronger.

III. Reaction
· This article best relates to the theme, “Impact of interaction among and within major societies.” This article shows how Burma is being helped by other countries causing more interaction between these countries. Because of the help given stronger ties between Burma and other countries remain tight.
· At first Burma was part of British India, soon Burma separated itself from India causing it to be a separated colony under Non-British control; Burma is now a totalitarian dictatorship. Burma is a country in now a Southeastern Asian country whose economic status tends to be moderately poor, although this country is still well developed. Recently a cyclone hit causing thousands of death. This lead up to an agreement over foreign aid.
· We are not given any information as to who is the writer of this report. Therefore, we cannot make any conclusions based on this person, his or her nationality or gender.
· The author of this article makes biased references towards the junta (political leader) of Burma. The writer explains how his decisions on not wanting aid were wrong. He displays the junta’s reasons in a very negative tone, and emphasizes the junta’s reasons for not wanting aid as horrible excuses. While the author does expand on the junta’s first decision on aid, he only briefly explains how the junta has changed his mind on wanting foreign help.
· I believe the point of view of the commoners who need aid is missing. While we hear directly from UN officials and Burmese leaders, we do not here from the people who are affected. To get an account from a person directly related to the problem caused by the cyclone could help justify our stand on this topic.
· I believe that the Burmese government is doing the right thing by accepting financial aid. While the officials are rich they must understand that the commoners have lost their crops, livestock and houses. These peasants have nothing, not even a morsel of food to eat. Burmese officials should understand not to be offended to receive aid. By doing so we show our friendship with other societies, through this peace between counties and stronger bonds can developed

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